Azerbaijani online.
Free speaking practice.
Improve your vocabulary and discover friends across the globe by learning Azerbaijani.
Azerbaijani for free

Comprehensive language resources
- Azerbaijani - Pronunciation
- Azerbaijani - Numbers
- Azerbaijani - Verbs and Adjectives
- Azerbaijani - Frequency Dictionaries
- Azerbaijani - Basic Sentences
- Azerbaijani - Thematic Dictionaries
- Azerbaijani - Politeness
- Azerbaijani - Idioms
Language learning, wherever you are
- Spaced repetition learning system on the go
- Audio processing for pronunciation
- Creation of visual language flash cards with images
- Search for speaking practice partners
- Frequency and thematic dictionaries for any language
- Alert system with exercise reminders
- Live video and messaging to facilitate learning

Join our global community
Collaborate with learners and native speakers via live video and instant messaging.