How to learn English fast?
Andrei Kuzmin / 24 Jan
How to learn English fast?
I asked myself this question two years ago (at the age of 32).
Having started actively learning a new language from scratch, I came across three main problems:
- Improving vocabulary and storage of hard-to-remember words
- Lack of time for studying foreign languages
- How to find native speakers for language practice
To achieve a better result, I, like perhaps every other person studying a foreign language, had to solve these problems.
In the beginning, I began to use the most common way of expanding my vocabulary by using flash cards, where on one side I wrote the word in English, and on the other side its translation. After just a couple of months, I had accumulated several hundred flash cards, which were extremely inconvenient to carry around. After that I decided to use a mobile application for convenience, but having examined the products available at that time in the market, I couldn't find an application that was simple and convenient for me.
Fortunately, I had experience developing software and I wanted to build an effective tool for personal use. Being a fan of the Android operating system, I independently started developing the first version of LingoCard for my smartphone and in a couple of months the first application with language cards and one database (one deck of cards) was ready. Later, I had the desire to make cards that had pronunciations of words and the ability to create databases with the most commonly used words. I began to discuss implementation options with familiar professional developers. The guys liked my idea, as a result of which enthusiasts began to join the project. After implementing these new ideas, we decided not to stop there and developed several more unique tools for two operating systems: Android and iOS. We've hosted our app on Google Play and the Apple Store for free.
In the course of several months, tens of thousands of people around the world began to use our app, and we have received many thank-you letters, indications of mistakes as well as ideas for improving the product for which we are grateful. As a result, we have accumulated enough tasks and new ideas for development to occupy us for a few years at least.
As you immerse yourself in the language environment you come to understand how important it is to be able to quickly build sentences. It is the ability to understand sentences and basic phrases that makes your speech acceptable for conversation and quick translation. Therefore, we decided to compose cards containing sentences, phrases and idioms. At the moment, you can find hundreds of thousands of such language cards that contain useful phrases and sentences within our application.
Working on the problem of the lack of study time, we decided to create a unique audio player that will voice any text and any cards created in a specific order, while alternating between foreign words and their translation. As a result, English can be learned in a way that is similar to listening to music anywhere and anytime. Currently this tool is provided with the ability to listen to about 40-50 foreign languages, depending on the device and platform used. I suppose that at some point in the near future our player will be able to work with all the known languages.
To solve the problem of locating native speakers for colloquial practice, we are engaged in creating a social network and developing special algorithms for this network in order to connect each user with a personalized native or expert speaker.
As a result of the integration of all of our learning tools into one complex, we will create an international educational platform for studying any foreign language with the help of people of any nationality.